XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test

XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test

Disease: Neurological Disorders

Method: NGS Technology

DNA Labs India is Ranked as No1 genetic DNA Test lab- 3500 Sample collection centers across India Call 07941057551 to talk with Doctor to get second opinion for free of cost - 100% All Conversation are private and confidential

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Sample Types
  • Blood or Extracted DNA or One drop Blood on FTA Card o

20,000.00/- Rs ₹28,000.0028% off

  • Results in : 3 to 4 Weeks

Why to get tested at DNA Labs India for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test ?

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  • 3500 Sample collection centers, Free Home Sample collection for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test in your city
  • Ranked India No1 DNA Test Lab for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test
  • Most Trusted Lab by doctors for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test. Call 07941057551 to talk with Doctor to get second opinion for free of cost
  • 100% All Conversation are private and confidential Call 07941057551 to talk with doctor 100% Accurate Test Results for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test

XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test Cost 20000 Rs

Test Name XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test
Test type Neurologist
Pre-test Information Clinical History of Patient who is going for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test A Genetic Counselling session to draw a pedigree chart of family members affected with XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7
Report Delivery 3 to 4 Weeks
Price ₹ 20000
Method NGS Technology

XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test Details

Short Description

NGS genetic DNA test detecets for variant and mutation detection in XBP1 gene for Major affective disorder 7

Test Specifications

  • Speciality: Neurologist

  • Components:

  • Department: Genetics

  • Shipping Stability: Ambient Room Temperature

PreTest Information

Clinical History of Patient who is going for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test A Genetic Counselling session to draw a pedigree chart of family members affected with XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7

Detail Description

XBP1 Gene and Major Affective Disorder 7

Major Affective Disorder 7 (MAD7) is a type of mood disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The disorder is characterized by episodes of depression, mania, or a combination of the two. MAD7 has a strong genetic component, with several genes implicated in its development. One such gene is XBP1, which has been found to be associated with an increased risk of developing MAD7.

The Role of XBP1 in MAD7

XBP1 is a gene that plays a crucial role in the regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. ER stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the demand for protein folding and the capacity of the ER to fold proteins. This can lead to the accumulation of misfolded proteins, which can cause cellular damage and trigger an inflammatory response. XBP1 helps to alleviate ER stress by activating a pathway that increases the capacity of the ER to fold proteins and reduces the production of misfolded proteins.

Several studies have found that variations in the XBP1 gene are associated with an increased risk of developing MAD7. One study found that a specific variation in the gene was associated with a 1.6-fold increased risk of developing MAD7. Another study found that variations in XBP1 were associated with changes in brain activity in regions involved in emotion regulation.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of MAD7

The symptoms of MAD7 can vary from person to person, but typically include episodes of depression, mania, or a combination of the two. During a depressive episode, a person may experience feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, as well as changes in appetite, sleep, and energy levels. During a manic episode, a person may experience feelings of euphoria, grandiosity, and impulsivity, as well as changes in sleep and energy levels.

Diagnosis of MAD7 typically involves a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, including a review of symptoms, medical history, and family history. Genetic testing may also be used to identify variations in genes associated with the disorder, such as XBP1.

NGS Genetic DNA Test Cost

The cost of an NGS Genetic DNA test for MAD7 can vary depending on the provider and the specific tests included. On average, the cost of a genetic test for MAD7 ranges from INR 20,000 to INR 30,000.


MAD7 is a complex disorder with a strong genetic component. XBP1 is one of several genes that have been implicated in its development. Understanding the role of XBP1 in MAD7 may help to identify individuals at risk of developing the disorder and lead to the development of more effective treatments. Genetic testing can be an important tool in the diagnosis and management of MAD7, but it is important to work with a qualified healthcare provider to interpret the results and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

At DNA Labs India, we offer comprehensive genetic testing services, including NGS Genetic DNA tests for MAD7. Our team of qualified genetic counselors and healthcare professionals can help you understand your test results and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Contact us today to learn more.

Before getting tested ask for Raw Data, FASTQ, and VCF files along with clinical test report from DNA Testing Lab. DNA Labs India is the Only lab that is transparent and will share Raw Data, FASTQ, and VCF files along with the conclusive clinical report for XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the cost of XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test?

    Cost of XBP1 Gene Major affective disorder 7 NGS Genetic DNA Test is 20000 Rs

₹20,000.00 ₹28,000.0028% off

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  • Free Home Sample collection
  • Ranked India No1 DNA Test Lab
  • Most Trusted Lab by doctors
  • 100% Accurate Test Results