Disease: Cancer

Method: Immunohistochemistry

DNA Labs India is Ranked as No1 genetic DNA Test lab- 3500 Sample collection centers across India Call 07941057551 to talk with Doctor to get second opinion for free of cost - 100% All Conversation are private and confidential

Call 07941057551 Dr Vijaya

Sample Types
  • Submit tumor tissue in 10% Formal-saline OR Formalin fixed paraffin embedded block. Ship at room temperature. Provide a copy of the Histopathology report, Site of biopsy and Clinical history.

3,500.00/- Rs ₹5,000.0030% off

  • Results in : Sample Daily by 6 pm; Report Block : 5 daysTissue Biopsy : 5 daysTissue large complex : 7 days

Why to get tested at DNA Labs India for IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test ?

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  • 3500 Sample collection centers, Free Home Sample collection for IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test in your city
  • Ranked India No1 DNA Test Lab for IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test
  • Most Trusted Lab by doctors for IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test. Call 07941057551 to talk with Doctor to get second opinion for free of cost
  • 100% All Conversation are private and confidential Call 07941057551 to talk with doctor 100% Accurate Test Results for IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test


Test type Oncologist, Pathologist
Pre-test Information Provide a copy of the Histopathology report, Site of biopsy and Clinical history.
Report Delivery Sample Daily by 6 pm; Report Block : 5 daysTissue Biopsy : 5 daysTissue large complex : 7 days
Price ₹ 3500
Method Immunohistochemistry


Short Description

BCL-6 is a transcriptional regulator gene whose expression is seen in approximately 68% of ALK positive Anaplastic Large cell Lymphomas (ALCL). It is also expressed in Follicular lymphomas, Diffuse Large B cell Lymphomas, Burkitt Lymphomas and majority of Reed Sternberg cells in Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Test Specifications

  • Speciality: Oncologist, Pathologist

  • Components:

  • Department:

  • Shipping Stability: Room Temperature: NA, Refrigerator:NA, Frozen: NA

PreTest Information

Provide a copy of the Histopathology report, Site of biopsy and Clinical history.

Detail Description

IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Cost

IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 test is a diagnostic test that helps in the detection of BCL-6 protein in cells. The test is used to determine the presence of BCL-6 in various types of cancer, including lymphomas and leukemias. The test is performed using immunohistochemistry techniques that involve the use of antibodies to detect BCL-6 protein in tissue samples. The test is commonly used for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancers.

Symptoms of BCL-6 Protein Overexpression

BCL-6 protein overexpression is associated with various types of cancer, including lymphomas and leukemias. The symptoms of BCL-6 protein overexpression depend on the type of cancer. Some of the common symptoms associated with BCL-6 protein overexpression include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Loss of appetite

Diagnosis of BCL-6 Protein Overexpression

The diagnosis of BCL-6 protein overexpression is made using various diagnostic tests, including the IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 test. The test involves the use of tissue samples, which are examined under a microscope. The samples are treated with antibodies that bind to BCL-6 protein, and the protein is detected using a special staining technique. The test is performed by a trained pathologist or laboratory technician and can help in the accurate diagnosis of cancer.


The cost of IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 test in India varies depending on the location and the laboratory performing the test. The cost of the test typically ranges from INR 3500 to INR 5000. However, the cost may be higher if additional tests are required to confirm the diagnosis. It is recommended to contact a reliable laboratory or diagnostic center to get an accurate estimate of the cost of the test.


The IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 test is an important diagnostic tool that helps in the accurate diagnosis of various types of cancer, including lymphomas and leukemias. The test is performed using immunohistochemistry techniques and involves the use of antibodies to detect BCL-6 protein in tissue samples. The symptoms of BCL-6 protein overexpression vary depending on the type of cancer, and the diagnosis is made using various diagnostic tests, including the IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 test. The cost of the test varies depending on the location and the laboratory performing the test. It is recommended to consult a reliable laboratory or diagnostic center to get an accurate estimate of the cost of the test.

At DNA Labs India, we provide accurate and reliable diagnostic services, including IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 test. Our team of experienced pathologists and laboratory technicians use the latest techniques and equipment to provide accurate diagnosis and monitoring of cancers. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

BCL-6 is a transcriptional regulator gene whose expression is seen in approximately 68% of ALK positive Anaplastic Large cell Lymphomas (ALCL). It is also expressed in Follicular lymphomas, Diffuse Large B cell Lymphomas, Burkitt Lymphomas and majority of Reed Sternberg cells in Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the cost of IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test?

    Cost of IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BCL-6 Test is 3500 Rs

₹3,500.00 ₹5,000.0030% off

Book Now
  • Free Home Sample collection
  • Ranked India No1 DNA Test Lab
  • Most Trusted Lab by doctors
  • 100% Accurate Test Results