Disease: Infections

Method: Conventional Fungus Culture

DNA Labs India is Ranked as No1 genetic DNA Test lab- 3500 Sample collection centers across India Call 07941057551 to talk with Doctor to get second opinion for free of cost - 100% All Conversation are private and confidential

Call 07941057551 Dr Vijaya

Sample Types
  • CSF: 2 mL (1 mL min.) in a Red Top (No Additive) tube or sterile screw capped vial. Do not use SST gel barrier tubes. Ship refrigerated. Bone Marrow: 2 mL (0.5 mL min.) Bone marrow in 1 Green Top (Sodium Heparin) tube. Ship refrigerated. Pus/Body fluids (Pleural/ Pericardial/ Ascitic/ Synovial/ Ocular/ Bronchial washings/BAL) OR Aspirates /Semen/ Stool: Submit as much as possible (1 mL/1g min.) in sterile screw capped container. Ship refrigerated. Endometrial curettings/Tissue: Submit in sterile normal saline in a sterile screw capped container. Ship refrigerated. Swabs: Submit swabs in 1 mL sterile normal saline in sterile screw capped container. Ship refrigerated. Sputum/Urine: Submit 2 Spot (random) morning samples, 5ƒ??10 mL (1 mL min.) sputum /10 mL (5 mL min.) urine in sterile screw capped container. Ship refrigerated. Skin: Submit 2ƒ??3 mm scrapings from periphery of active skin lesion in sterile container or between 2 sterile glass slides. Wrap slides in black paper. Ship refrigerated. Hair: Submit plucked 10ƒ??12 infected, lustreless hair including root in a sterile container. Ship refrigerated. Nail: Submit clippings and powdery material from friable and discolored region of affected nail. Ship refrigerated.

1,357.20/- Rs ₹1,508.009% off

  • Results in : Sample Daily by 3.30 pm;Report Interim 1: 1 week Interim 2: 2 weeks Interim 3: 3 weeks Final: 4 weeks

Why to get tested at DNA Labs India for CULTURE FUNGUS Test ?

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  • 3500 Sample collection centers, Free Home Sample collection for CULTURE FUNGUS Test in your city
  • Ranked India No1 DNA Test Lab for CULTURE FUNGUS Test
  • Most Trusted Lab by doctors for CULTURE FUNGUS Test. Call 07941057551 to talk with Doctor to get second opinion for free of cost
  • 100% All Conversation are private and confidential Call 07941057551 to talk with doctor 100% Accurate Test Results for CULTURE FUNGUS Test

CULTURE FUNGUS Test Cost 1357.2 Rs

Test type Physician, Chest Physician, Dermatologist, Neurologist
Pre-test Information No special preparation required
Report Delivery Sample Daily by 3.30 pm;Report Interim 1: 1 week Interim 2: 2 weeks Interim 3: 3 weeks Final: 4 weeks
Components Does not include ANTIFUNGAL SENSITIVITY
Price ₹ 1357.2
Method Conventional Fungus Culture


Short Description

Fungi can infect CSF, Body Fluids and tissues. These infections are more common in immunocompromised patients. Early diagnosis and effective treatment can reduce the likelihood of severe sequelae.

Test Specifications

  • Speciality: Physician, Chest Physician, Dermatologist, Neurologist

  • Components: Does not include ANTIFUNGAL SENSITIVITY

  • Department:

  • Shipping Stability: Room Temperature: NA, Refrigerator:48 hrs, Frozen: NA

PreTest Information

No special preparation required

Detail Description

CULTURE FUNGUS Test: Cost, Symptoms, and Diagnosis - DNA Labs India

Fungal infections are becoming increasingly common these days, and it is essential to diagnose them at an early stage to prevent complications. DNA Labs India provides the Culture Fungus test to detect fungal infections accurately. In this blog, we will discuss the cost, symptoms, and diagnosis of the Culture Fungus test.

Culture Fungus Test: What is it?

The Culture Fungus test is a laboratory test that helps identify fungal infections. The test is performed by taking a sample of infected tissue, blood, or other body fluids and growing it in a culture medium. This allows the laboratory technician to observe the growth of the fungus and identify the type of fungus causing the infection.

Cost of Culture Fungus Test

The cost of the Culture Fungus test at DNA Labs India is INR 1357.2. It is an affordable test that can detect fungal infections accurately. The test is performed in a state-of-the-art laboratory by experienced technicians, ensuring accurate results.

Symptoms of Fungal Infections

Fungal infections can affect different parts of the body and can have various symptoms. Some of the common symptoms of fungal infections are:

  • Redness or rash
  • Itching or burning sensation
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Discharge
  • Blisters or ulcers
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Delaying treatment can lead to complications and make the infection more difficult to treat.

Diagnosis of Fungal Infections

The diagnosis of fungal infections involves a physical examination and laboratory tests. The doctor will examine the affected area and may take a sample of tissue or fluid for testing. The Culture Fungus test is one of the laboratory tests used to diagnose fungal infections.

Other laboratory tests that may be performed to diagnose fungal infections include:

  • Blood tests
  • X-rays or CT scans
  • Biopsy
  • Microscopy

Once the type of fungus causing the infection is identified, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment for fungal infections may include antifungal medications, creams, or ointments.


The Culture Fungus test is an important test to diagnose fungal infections accurately. DNA Labs India provides this test at an affordable cost, ensuring accurate results. If you experience any symptoms of fungal infections, it is important to consult a doctor immediately and get the necessary tests done. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications and ensure a speedy recovery.

Get in touch with DNA Labs India to schedule your Culture Fungus test and get accurate results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the cost of CULTURE FUNGUS Test?

    Cost of CULTURE FUNGUS Test is 1357.2 Rs

₹1,357.20 ₹1,508.009% off

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  • Free Home Sample collection
  • Ranked India No1 DNA Test Lab
  • Most Trusted Lab by doctors
  • 100% Accurate Test Results